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PRC: Registered, licensed teachers may now use 'LPT' title

PRC allows licensed teachers to use LPT title after their names.

MANILA - All registered and licensed Filipino teachers may now use and append to their names the professional title 'LPT', the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) said.

PRC-Board for Professional Teachers resolution no. 1, series of 2017 allowing teachers to use such title, just like other professions. The Board noted that the use of title is "one of the identifiable means to recognize a professional.

Medical doctors, registered nurses, engineers and registered physical therapists are some of the few professions which were allowed to use titles before or after their names.

"The use of and appending of such professional title to one's name gives or tends to give an impression that the bearer thereof is a bona fide registered and licensed professional," the resolution added.

PRC also warns "those who so use and append to their names such title when they are not, in fact, professional teachers duly registered and licensed by the Board and the Commission shall be meted with the corresponding sanctions as prescribed in the General Penalty Clause of RA No. 7836, as amended."

Effectivity of the resolution started April 11, 2017. Here's the full text:

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