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TOP10: November 2016 BAR Exam results

Law graduates of provincial schools dominate the 2016 BAR Exams

MANILA - Supreme Court of the Philippines has released on Wednesday, May 3, 2017 the results of Bar Exam given last November 2016. The list of topnotchers was dominated by graduates of law schools in the province.

The four-Sunday exams were held on November 6, 13, 20, and 27 last year at the University of Sto. Tomas (UST), and noticeably, no alumni from Metro Manila schools were in the top 10 passers.

Cebu-based University of San Carlos produced the top 1 passer Karen Mae Calam, who got the score of 89.05%. She was followed by Alanna Gayle Khio, who graduated from Silliman University of Dumaguete City in Negros Oriental.

Another University of San Carlos graduate Fiona Cristy Lao earned the rank no. 3 with rating of 88.80%, together with Athalia Liong of Andres Bonifacio College in Dipolog City.

University of San Agustin in Iloilo City graduate Allana Mae Babayen-on (88.75%) is at rank no. 4 and Justin Ryan Morilla (88.40%) of Ateneo de Davao University completed the top 5. Here's the complete list of topnotchers:

Top 10 Passers

Rank Examinee Law School Grade
1 CALAM, Karen Mae L. University of San Carlos 89.05
2 KHIO, Alanna Gayle Ashley B. Silliman University 88.95
3 LAO, Fiona Cristy D. University of San Carlos 88.80
LIONG, Athalia B. Andres Bonifacio College 88.80
4 BABAYEN-ON, Allana Mae A. University of San Agustin 88.75
5 MORILLA, Justin Ryan D. Ateneo de Davao University 88.40
6 CAMARAO, Mark Dave M. Northwestern University 88.10
7 MOMONGAN, Anne Margaret E. Northwestern University 87.80
8 GOMEZ, Jefferson L. University of San Carlos 87.70
9 GONZALES, Nia Rachelle M. University of Batangas 87.50
YBIO, Marie Chielo H. Silliman University 87.50
10 LIU, Andrew Stephen D. Silliman University 87.40

A total of 3,747 out of 6,344 examinees passed the bar exams or a passing rate of 59.06%, said to be the highest in 30 years.

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