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BOA announces increase of CPD unit requirements, change to Competence Areas for CPAs

BOA increases CPD requirements for CPAs to 120 units within 3 years of compliance.

MANILA - In line with the latest Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) resolution on the new CPD Law, the Board of Accountancy (BOA) has announced the increase of CPD unit requirements for renewal of Professional ID Cards of Certified Public Accountants (CPA).

Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy Resolution No. 358 series of 2016 resolves the increase of 120 units of Continuing Professional Development within a compliance period of three (3) years for all CPAs.

Implementation of CPD requirements will be done in the following phases:
Year of Renewal
Required number of CPD Units

The Board also changed the Thematic Areas of CPD activities to Competence Areas in order to align with the International Education Standards. The 3 major categories are the following: Technical Competence, Professional Skills and Professional Values, Ethics & Attitudes.

How to earn CPD units

1. Professional Track - Training offered by Accredited CPD Providers
  • Participant - Approved credit unit for the program
  • Resource Speaker - 3 credit units
  • Panelist - 2 credit units
  • Facilitator - 1 credit unit
  • CPD Monitor - Twice the number of approved credit units for the program
  • In-service Training/OJT - Maximum of 20 credit units for a 12-month period or a fraction thereof upon completion

2. Academic Track
  • Master's Degree or equivalent - 60 credit units
  • Doctorate Degree - 60 credit units upon Completion of Candidacy, plus 30 CU upon Completion of Degree
  • Bachelor of Laws - 30 CU upon completion, plus 30 upon passing of Bar
  • Professional Certifications - 10 CU
  • Foreign Language Certifications - 10 CU
  • Professional Chair - 15 CU per year
  • Internship/Specialty/Subspecialty - 10 CU per year
  • Fellowship Grant - 2 CU for participant, 4 CU for Resource Speaker, 5 CU for researcher
  • Post Graduate Diploma - Maximum of 30 CU for an 18-month period upon completion

3. Self Directed (Training offered by Non-accredited CPD Providers, Face-to-face or online) And/Or Lifelong Learning
  • Participant - Credit units for the Program as evaluated by CPD Council
  • Resource Speaker - 3 credit units
  • Panelist - 2 credit units
  • Facilitator - 1 credit unit
  • In-service Training/OJT - Maximum of 20 credit units for a 12-month period or a fraction thereof upon completion
  • Program/Module Training Dev't - 10 credit units for complete module
  • Technical Paper - 5 credit units
  • Article Published in Professional Journal - 10 Cu for Author, 2 CU for peer reviewer
  • Socio-Civic Activities - 3 credit units

4. Such other activities recommended by CPD Council and approved by BOA and PRC.

Here's the full text of BOA Resolution and CPD Matrix of Activities:

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