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#ItsTimeToMove immigration forum happening in Cebu

Professionals and fresh graduates who are interested in taking their careers to the next level can look forward to the Enhance Visa immigration forum happening this month in Cebu City.

The #ItsTimeToMove forum, an immigration forum for professionals who are interested in becoming New Zealand permanent residents, is open to all professionals especially in the fields of healthcare, business, computer science, engineering, agriculture and others.

It will be held at the Cebu Parklane International Hotel at 6PM on March 23, 2017.

Attendees will get to hear from the representative of one of Enhance Visa’s partners schools in New Zealand, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology.

Through this forum, they will get the most reliable advice on how they can transition from students to working professionals and eventually becoming eligible for immigration.

New Zealand’s labor market has been attracting a lot of overseas workers in recent years. There was an exponential increase of 71,300 in net migration in the country between the periods of January 2016 to January 2017 according to Statistics New Zealand. According to the New Zealand government, the upsurge is a sign of a strong economic growth for the country.

“We have been partnering with various educational institutions in New Zealand which can offer our clients the best qualifications that are responsive to the country’s economic needs,” says Eden Dumont, Managing Director of Enhance Visa.

"International education has been one of the ways in which migrants can achieve points to qualify for skilled migrant immigration to New Zealand."

Enhance Visa has been providing immigration programs and pathways to Canada, Australia and New Zealand for the past 22 years. The company seeks to help more Filipinos build their dreams of a more stable and permanent future for them and their families.

For more information on the latest immigration trends in New Zealand, contact Enhance Visa at 0917-799-7700 or visit their website at www.enhanceimmigration.com.

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